And so we begin…

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It’s the dead of night and I buzz 1000 watts as I plan my blog’s first public outing. Or, is it blouting? Perhaps blogouting. EmPHAsis on GOUT.  Hmm. Work in progress.

Alright. What kind of blog be this that meanders and follows my river of consciousness? Is this a real blog then. Or perhaps it’s a plog? A poetry blog.  80/20, 80% practical, 20% poetry? Perhaps 70/30… ? Better get busy on the practical! 

But first, to explain the name and the purpose of this … plog.  Born in the time of pandemic, wildfires, economic devastation, and the possible collapse of democracy, I choose to write about little things. 

Small life hacks, tips and observations to make you – and me – smile, even if just for a moment.  Moments of lightness which, like a flash of glossy black-purple tailfeather, remind you that life is unfathomable in its concoction of utter beauty alongside unbearable sorrow.

You may say, But corruption, and cruelty… Yes I say, yet also revelation, of the shards and shame of injustice and cruelty that reside within us all.  You say Alone, I say, And yet we are still… and yet we may find peace within the quiet of the unknown, the fear of death, the weight of loss… and yet the hope of tomorrow with all its promise, the gift of today with its hidden girlish charms, its surprise of laughter and connection, the richness of art with its deep embrace.  A wisp of hair brushed light across your cheek can be a revelry.  Simple things, kindness, beauty and innovation, in a firestorm of loss.

Ok. On to my second purpose! Another balm for crazy times.  Life tips and simple hacks!

Tip One! 

Let’s talk multivitamins. Oh yes, I said it, multi-vitamins-baby! Yeah.  Take care of that body right now and, well, always.  ALways, do what you can.   If it’s just a five minute speedwalk around your block & a friendly wave to your neighbor (can a wave really be unfriendly?? hmm….) Or a mad, sweat-inducing session of dishwashing and floor scrubbing! There is value in hard work, pushing through… a feeling of achievement.  

Back to those mutlivitamins! Best I’ve encountered to date – for both effect and affordability – Trader Joe’s women’s multivitamins (they also have men’s and senior’s multi’s… or did… another hmmm….)  Anyway, in truth, TJ multis are all I’ve tried in recent years.  So there’s that.  Another confession, I have a remarkable ability to forget to take them. But when I remember, I notice a marked difference in my energy level, my positivity, my je ne sais quoi ( or idk wtf).  That thing you feel in your BODY when you’re feelin’ fine! I can feel my hair growing faster! OK maybe not… but generally I have a greater feeling of vitality and health.  I just feel gooooood.  Remember that feeling you had in your 20’s when you had that stint of being in amazing shape and felt like you could do … anything? It’s a lil taste of that.  Oh, in case you are wondering, I am old, I am young, I am both, wrapped up in one.  Ooh a rhyme-y poem! Can a poem be just one sentence? Perhaps it’s more of a ditty. A tidbit.  A morsel of ….geekyness.  idk.

So, that’s it… for now.  

Simple.  Life.  Hacks.  And things/ people/ places/ foods that I love.

Oh and ps, this will not just be a flowy plog with life hacks… I won’t be boxed in, minimized to such … minimal-ness! This plog will also flow into fashion and design loves, and fails… musings… silly kitty stories… useful tools… products I love… a delicious recipe… amazingly creative artists and innovations… things to consider… small businesses and bigger ones that make me say Yay… a restaurant dish that’s so good I want to cry… etc etc.  I am nothing if not eclectic! I shall not be easily defined, dammit! 

Whew.  Had to get that off my chest.

So, friends! Join me in two weeks when we discuss… perhaps… white vinegar and non dairy drinks.  Not together! But married in thriftyness, comfort, health, and love! Almonds and soynuts and oats… oh my! The taste, the variety, the options, the benefits, the drawbacks, the uses… and the pouring of .  Mm-hmm.  Yep.  The FREAKING SPLASHING WHEN POURING.  You know what I’m talkin’ about. I have a hack for that, devised by my rather brilliant friend.  And if you know it already well GOOD for you! How ’bout a stained or torn dress? Don’t throw it out yet! Discover my stain be gone creative hack (aka upcycling, yeah!) when next we meet- or soon thereafter.  Hope to cu then (yes I tend to tread into text talk at times. As well as alliteration.) 

So be sure to check back – and/ or sign up – I think I want your email! So give it here! Give it up! You know u wanna! But seriously, follow me on social and sign up with your email somewhere up there ^ so I can let you know when there are new posts and cool new things happen and such! 🙂

Alright. Live simple, keep the faith, tell her you love her, show him you love him, with the gift of Time, and Love.  They’ll feel it.  And it may just save the world. Love you, human beans.  Stay safe and have a simply healthy and full of love-week.  Ciao beauties!